Wednesday, July 22, 2009


In my never ending search to figure out what I want to be when I grow up I have decided to take my years of writing experience in college and the Air Force and put it to good use by freelancing. I am presently out of work so have little to lose in the venture and even if it doesn't work out, at least I am finally doing something I enjoy.

I already have a couple of other blogs, "Nerve Agent for Breakfast" and "The Dusty Lens," so what's one more. Nerve Agent is hosted by my alter ego, Phos and is mainly social in nature. I set The Dusty Lens up to showcase some of my photography, and I do have a Blog on the local newspaper as well.

I grew up in Wisconsin, married the girl of my dreams, joined the Air Force and finally graduated from college. Having finished up as an Intelligence Specialist in New Mexico, I decided I never wanted to see snow again, took a job in Phoenix, and have been here ever since.


  1. So, any thoughts of what you might write about?

    Saw yesterday that you had left a comment somewhere on my blogs that you thought it would be interesting to see one of my books. Well all the ones that have been published were in German. That is because I have once had a German co-author and then a German audience... But I have ended all those contracts and contacts and once we're done renovating here, I will have the time to bring out the english books and perhaps also the german ones again, with another publisher... let's see.

    meanwhile if you wanna know what I write, you can take a look under

    if you stroll down to the bottom of the page, there's something about "Independent Learning in Practice", a non-fiction-book. But I haven't had the time yet to send it out, am still fighting with this rather large property here which we are doing up and that takes all our time and efford.

    Anyway, good that you have found something you really enjoy (writing!). This is so important that people do what they really wanna do and you're definitely on the right road!

  2. hello,
    it's nice to meet you ..

    good luck!

  3. Thanks all. Had a brief hiatus as I came down to Tucson to help out while my son and daughter-in-law concentrated on the arrival of the new baby.
